Hive Daily Mix - Crypto - 2025-02-16

The first AI powered recap of the best crypto posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

Authors referenced will share the rewards of this post. Those using will receive a larger share (the DHF may also be a beneficiary).

February 16

Hive Open Mic Week 253 "Dear Diary"-Britney Spears(Cover Song) by @mariolisrnaranjo.
Original language: English, Spanish
- by @mariolisrnaranjo The post is about @mariolisrnaranjo participating in Hive Open Mic Week 253 with a cover of Britney Spears' song 'Dear Diary'. The post describes the emotions and themes of the song, highlighting the innocence and vulnerability of youth love.

Original language: Italian
Il post discute il cambiamento nel ciclo quadriennale di Bitcoin e analizza come l'ingresso di istituzioni e regolamentazioni definite stia influenzando il mercato criptovalutario. Vengono esaminati i segnali di un nuovo paradigma e le possibili evoluzioni future. - by @dexpartacus

Hive Promotion on Web2 as Sport: a Weekly Race with Valuable Prizes 👇 HivePosh Contest #17
The post promotes the HivePosh Contest #17, where participants can link their Reddit to Hive on and share links to win prizes based on views. - by @x-rain

Massive Institutionelle Einstiege: Hedgefonds und Staatsfonds setzen auf Krypto! 🚀
Original language: German
Massive institutional entries: Hedge funds and sovereign wealth funds are investing in cryptocurrencies. - by @lichtblick

Prepare for a Massive Rollout...
The post discusses a potential overhaul of the U.S. monetary system, suggesting the replacement of fiat currency with sound money and detailing how this transition could work. - by @pocketechange

My Tour in Moon Karts Market
The post discusses the author's experience with Moon Karts Market, highlighting the strategic gameplay and opportunities for development and customization. - by @harry-jacob

Authors referenced will share the rewards of this post. Those using will receive a larger share (the DHF may also be a beneficiary).


Thanks for the mention. Have a good day and bleesings.

Thank you :-)