Hive Daily Mix - Hive - 2025-03-11

in Hive Daily Mix13 days ago

The first AI powered recap of the best hive posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

Authors referenced will share the rewards of this post. Those using will receive a larger share (the DHF may also be a beneficiary).

March 11

🥇VIBES WEEK 30 WINNERS //🎵WEEK 31 will run from (March 11th- March 21st 10AM CET)
This post announces the winners of VIBES WEEK 30 music competition, highlighting the top 6 participants and their rewards. It also introduces the theme for WEEK 31, inviting writers to participate and reflecting on the expansion of the competition. The post encourages collaboration and engagement within the Vibes Community. - by @lordbutterfly

Playing Favorites
The post discusses the concept of favorites, focusing on the author's preferred state park for camping and their favorite front ends for accessing the HIVE blockchain. It mentions the unique features of PeakD and Ecency, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of each. The author expresses a desire for the Favorites feed feature on PeakD to be reinstated and discusses potential solutions to improve user experience on both platforms. - by @bozz

My research on @gladiadorr's Contest in the Olio di Balena community / Le mie ricerche sul Contest di @gladiadorr nella comunità di Olio di Balena (ENG/ITA)
Original language: English, Italian
- by @libertycrypto27 Investigation into a contest on PeakD by @gladiadorr in the Olio di Balena community, exploring suspicions of multiple accounts and possible collusion

This Hustle is not for the weak.
Discussion on the challenges of onboarding people to web3 and the pressures involved in the process. - by @josediccus

A room with a view
The post is about a family trip to Venice, staying in a penthouse apartment with a beautiful view, exploring the city, and appreciating its unique charm. - by @azircon

Bull-posting Yourself in Web 3
The post discusses the trend of bull-posting in Web 3, where individuals exaggerate or fabricate their financial success to attract followers and opportunities. - by @josediccus

The roles they play.
The post discusses the impact of brochures at the Hive/Web3 Bootcamp in Ghana, highlighting their role in educating participants about decentralized services and attracting newcomers to the ecosystem. - by @mcsamm

The Correlation Between Development and Marketing Spending and HIVE's Price
Exploring the correlation between development and marketing spending and HIVE's price, delving into the complexities of how these factors interact. - by @gadrian

The post discusses the challenges faced in the garden due to hot weather and water issues, as well as the progress of various plants like raspberries, chives, and peppers. - by @riverflows

DHF Report #1 | Transparency, APIs & Documentation Release Timeline and Open Source Contributions to Hive
Discussion on the DHF transparency, APIs, and documentation release timeline, along with open source contributions to the Hive ecosystem. - by @leofinance

“Who’s The Beatdown?” Fundamental Splinterlands Theory
Exploration of applying foundational MTG concepts like 'Who's The Beatdown?' and 'Inevitability' to Splinterlands strategy, focusing on roles of Beatdown and Control in team selection and gameplay. - by @doloknight

Core dev meeting #67
Summary of the core development meeting #67 on covering updates on Rosetta/Mesh API for Coinbase, Hive software release, future hard fork plans, block explorer improvements, Wax library development, and value plan metrics. - by @howo

Is now a good time to buy cryptocurrency?
The post discusses whether it is a good time to buy cryptocurrency and emphasizes the importance of developing skills and exchanging them for cryptocurrency. - by @alex-rourke

Advancing Phase 2 of the Hive Borehole Project
Update on Phase 2 of the Hive Borehole Project in Bampenase, Ghana, detailing the infrastructure setup and progress towards providing clean water to the community. - by @collinz

Phase ll of project begins.
Phase ll of the 20th Hive Borehole Project in Ghana begins, bringing hope and clean drinking water to a community - by @mcsamm

cooking mujair fish with sambal terasi
The post details the process of cooking mujair fish with sambal terasi, including the ingredients, steps, and final result. - by @ryanaa

DuceCrypto's S153 - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 66 Report Card
A detailed report on the author's performance in Splinterlands season 153, including rankings, rewards, and challenges faced. - by @ducecrypto

Acondicionamiento dinámico para piernas - Dynamic leg conditioning
Original language: Spanish, English
The post discusses the importance of warming up before a workout, specifically focusing on leg conditioning exercises. - by

The Dark Side of Dunk Comedy: When Humor Crosses the Line
Exploring the negative impact of dunk comedy, particularly in relation to targeting individuals and moral boundaries, highlighting controversial instances and discussing the influence on society. - by @dlmmqb

Más allá de la mirada, la esperanza//Beyond the look, hope (Es-En)
Original language: Spanish, English
The post discusses the perception of beauty, societal expectations, and struggles of young Cubans in a changing world. - by @iriswrite

Authors referenced will share the rewards of this post. Those using will receive a larger share (the DHF may also be a beneficiary).


Gracias por incluirme, un honor para mi. ❤