Hive Daily Mix - Hive - 2025-03-15

The first AI powered recap of the best hive posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

Authors referenced will share the rewards of this post. Those using will receive a larger share (the DHF may also be a beneficiary).

March 15

The Value of Connection: Web3 is Human Tech (@crimsonclad⁩, Hive Blockchain
- by @louis88 The post discusses the value of connection in the context of Web3 technology, highlighting the role of blockchain, particularly Hive, in empowering individuals to own their data and participate in online economies. @crimsonclad's presentation at Web3Amsterdam is praised for making decentralization accessible and exciting.

VIBES WEB3 Music Competition Week 31 || Cover - ¨Alex Ferreira - Te tengo que meter en mi vida ¨
The post features a cover of a song by Alex Ferreira, expressing the artist's desire to integrate a special person into their life. The post includes a description of the song's meaning and the artist's personal connection to it. The author shares their passion for music and expresses gratitude to their friends for supporting their art. - by @edwardstobia

Journey in my life
A personal journey detailing the author's life experiences, challenges, and aspirations from childhood to college years. - by @marchsissy

Blockchain, Finanzas Descentralizadas y la Revolución de la Web3 | Eddie Espino
Original language: Spanish
Exploration of Blockchain, Decentralized Finance, and the Web3 Revolution with Eddie Espino, discussing the impact of blockchain technology on social media and finance. - by @acgalarza

Hive Echo Call to Action - Share your Stats
Call to action to share stats and analytics for short videos shared on various platforms, with rewards for approved comments - by @hive-echo

Chasing Waves and Endless Horizons at Alcoy, Cebu, Philippines
Exploring Tingko Beach in Alcoy, Cebu, Philippines with friends, enjoying the beautiful waves, white sand, and delicious local food. - by @michelleeeeys

The Web3 Conference Amsterdam
The Web3 Conference Amsterdam is a premier annual event focusing on inclusivity, networking, education, and onboarding into the Web3 space, featuring blockchain enthusiasts, innovators, and industry leaders. - by @coldbeetrootsoup

Raised by Love, Driven by Dreams: My Life’s Journey
A heartfelt journey of a person driven by love and dreams to give their parents a better life, facing challenges and celebrating achievements along the way. - by @derrayal

INLEO's Onboarding Framework is Now Open Source | X & Google Hive Lite Accounts and Keystore
INLEO has open-sourced their onboarding framework, offering Plug & Play APIs for UI integration and collaboration with external ecosystems to market their technologies. The post details the process of releasing the codebase, auditing it, and the use of Lite Accounts for temporary sign-ins. - by @leofinance

Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 31 "Algo más"- Quinta estación (Cover Song) by @mariolisrnaranjo.
Original language: English, Spanish
A cover of the song 'Algo más' by la 5.ª estación is presented as an entry in the Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 31. - by @mariolisrnaranjo

Visiting 4 Countries in 5 days - Day 1 - Aachen, Germany
Original language: English, Deutsch
Day 1 of a 5-day trip visiting 4 countries - Aachen, Germany, showcasing the city's history, architecture, local legends, and cuisine. - by @masterswatch estrenando su cuenta en Hive
Original language: Spanish
Sandra Urbina, a professional in HR from Venezuela, shares her story of reinvention and positivity as she joins the Hive community, aiming to inspire and learn from others. - by

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! - Kelan Gaines!
A detailed overview of the new Splinterlands card, Kelan Gaines, discussing its stats, abilities, and potential strategies. - by @ghostlybg

Visitando el calvario por primera vez+rutina de cuerpo completo 💪🏻./Visiting Calvary for the first
Original language: Spanish
A post detailing the author's experience visiting the Calvary for the first time and a full-body workout routine. - by @rubyjosleidy27

Climbing Gets Harder in Crownrend
The post discusses the progress and challenges faced by the author in the Crownrend game, focusing on item upgrades, resource management, and competition with other players. - by @incublus

Open-Sourcing Inleo’s Tech and Improving Communication
The post discusses Inleo's decision to open-source their technology, improve communication, and benefit other Hive UIs through transparent reporting. - by @khaleelkazi

Inleo's Path to Open-Sourcing
Inleo is evolving rapidly, open-sourcing key features like onboarding protocols, and seeking community feedback for refining the final product. - by @khaleelkazi

Hivechess Tournament S20 Round 7: @kintokris almost did it!
- by @stayoutoftherz Recap of the Hivechess Tournament S20 Round 7 with @kintokris almost winning, results, rankings, and upcoming matches.

Original language: English, Spanish
- by @yohaglezmusic A heartfelt musical cover of Coldplay's 'Fix You' by @yohaglezmusic in the VIBES WEB3 MUSIC COMPETITION WEEK 31

All quiet on the Soulkeep Front...? Or is it?
An in-depth review of the game Soulkeep, discussing its history, current state, player base, and potential improvements. - by @captaindingus

Authors referenced will share the rewards of this post. Those using will receive a larger share (the DHF may also be a beneficiary).


Thanks for the mention and bleesings

Thanks for the love, as always and congrats to the other authors as well!