How to increase your likability and some work tips

in Reflections6 days ago (edited)

Every Day is a Learning Day

As part of my role as an engineering manager, I hire people when we need new engineers. Experience is important, as is human qualities and how you'll gel with our existing team. You might be the best engineer that ever walked the planet, but if that is not coupled with human qualities like compassion, loyality and team work, then you won't get a job in my team.

Something else that I look for is a willingness to learn and I especially admire people who realise that they don't know everything and every day is an opportunity to learn more - learn more about oneself, the market, the latest technologies like quantum computing for example.


These are the people I hire and these are the skill sets my team has. They are technically brilliant, but they also have great human qualities and excel as a team and deliver for company and I time and again.

One needs to practice what one preaches though, so for me every day is a learning day too and I learn from everybody from the cleaning lady to the CEO, from babies to pensioners. There is so much to learn and to learn we need to be present when talking to people and actively listen to what they say.

I also learn more on platforms liked Linked in Learning and Pluralsight, as well as keeping my technical certifications up to date on Cisco, Juniper and Nokia. As I say, for me every day os a learning day and I'm always hungry to learn more about technology, people, finances, psychology, everything.


All learning for me starts with one thing though. It's the secret sauce. I'll give you a clue, it starts with L and rhymes with Glistening!!

Active Listening

Do you listen?

Yes of course you'll say.

But, do you really listen?


Lots of us don't, our brains are so frazzled by the constant bombardments of modern life - TV, radio, podcasts, social media constantly looking for our attention. This has had an impact on people's ability to concentrate and stay present when talking to each other.

Those who truly listen are now in the minority in my opinion, but it's not a difficult task, if we consciously try to improve our listening skills. Give it a go today in your next human interaction. Really listen to the person, whether it's the person serving you coffee, a homeless person, an old lady on the street, your boss, your co worker, whoever.

I guarantee two things, you'll both walk away from the conversation smiling and your reputation in that person's eyes has just grown.

I also guarantee you something else, if you practice active listening every day and get good at it, you'll excel in your career, you'll be liked more by people, you might even convince that person you fancy the pants off, that you're the one for them. Don't believe me? Give it a try...

Beware of Multi Tasking

Modern life is busy. It's hectic. It's important not to get bogged down in it and try to do everything or ultimately you will do nothing well and to a high standard.


People boast about multi tasking and all these things that they've completed in a given day. I bet you if they replayed their day on a screen and could be the watcher of themselves they'd see various times throughout that day where they were sloppy in how they delivered something. I guarantee you certain things were rushed. Did they ask anybody how they were and really listen to the answer and sympathise truly or were they simply waiting for their turn to speak so that they could tell everyone how busy they were?

So, be wary of multitasking both at work and at home. Take your time and deliver quality work and spend the time on the top priority work and deliverables. Ask your wife or husband how their day was and truly listen. Prove you're listening by paraphrasing what they've told you and ask more about their day.

Sleep More

Sometimes things sound very very obvious, but for whatever reason we forget or ignore them.

We humans need sleep. It's essential. We all know that we need fuel (food) and oil (water) and we know if we don't get enough, performance will be impacted. The same is true about sleep.

Many boast about being able to function on 4 hours sleep. BULLSHIT! You're paying the price elsewhere. You're costing yourself years of healthy life by not having healthy sleep. You needed it as a baby and you need it now.


Look at a top sports manager or US Presidents and look at how quickly some of these folks age. Why? Stress, yes, but also sleep depravation. So folks, don't ever sacrifice sleep on a long term basis. We all have late nights or all nighter parties, but in general aim for 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep per night. Your body and mind needs it and family, friends and colleagues who interact with you will be much happier with the version of which presents to the world.

Some images used are my own, others sourced for free on

Peace Out



People boast so much on how experienced and good they are (probably at work) but lack basic characters needed while interacting with people. A work place is not just for work, it's where we get to meet people, express some of our human qualities like you have mentioned. It is very necessary! There's a need to educate people about the importance of skill/experience + character.
Thanks for sharing... This is insightful!

. A work place is not just for work, it's where we get to meet people, express some of our human qualities like you have mentioned. It is very necessary!

That's it. You need the skillset, but you also need those human qualities to be likeable and form part of a cohesive team in my opinion. I usually know within two minutes if someone is not going to be hired by me regardless of their technical skill set.

Willingness to learn is important! I notice that it's easier to work with people who stay curious and see things as an opportunity to learn something new.

Something else that I look for is a willingness to learn and I especially admire people who realise that they don't know everything and every day is an opportunity to learn more - learn more about oneself, the market, the latest technologies like quantum computing for example.

Thank you for sharing this reflection! lots to learn and take notes one 😊

Willingness to learn is important! I notice that it's easier to work with people who stay curious and see things as an opportunity to learn something new.

Amen to that my friend. Open minded people tend to be the curious ones. Even if I am diametrically opposed to someone's viewpoint, I will still listen and try to understand why they have the opinion they do and often learn something in the process. It's a pity world leaders don't behave similarly and maybe there would be less conflict and needless suffering.

I'm horrible at active listening. I think part of it is because of my ADHD, but maybe that is just an excuse.

No definitely not an excuse, but you have the awareness to know that it's something you struggle with so can devote extra effort into it and improve your listening ability little by little. Most people are oblivious to the fact that theyvare bad listeners. Modern society does not help where we are constantly bombarded with stimulus vying for our attention, meaning we all mostly have shorter attention spans than a generation ago..

It's a struggle, but I do my best. My wife could have told me all along I am a bad listener, but I think that is a bit universal!

if you practice active listening every day and get good at it, you'll be liked more by people,

Ah, no wonder I'm so popular then!

Ha ha, everyone love Deirdy. Jesus there's a ring to that... New sitcom featuring a Dub living a 'culchie' life in the wilds of Tipperary!

I'm gettin' straight on to RTE with the screenplay!:)