Hello, my dear friend, I identify with you, this December my grandmother will be three years since her departure and at the end of January my mother will be two, I keep them in mind and I try to live as they taught me without ceasing to be me, they both loved these dates and I know that the last thing they would have wanted was to see me sad for their absence, my consolation is that I will see them again.
It is very good to evaluate ourselves and notice that we have attitudes to change, it is up to all of us to change or improve. Greetings, it was a pleasure to read you
Wow, what happened to you was really strong. At least our parents were starting at year, and still the last December was fierce for me soul. But I have reflected a lot, it still hurts, but I am finding tranquility in the middle of the chaos that was left. Thank you for sharing your anecdote, comments like this helped me at the time, especially of my beloved people from Hive..