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RE: Anyfuckenthing else

in Reflections5 months ago

If I could have made a living from my formal work we would be very similar people, I would like to think so, because I admire his solid, pragmatic and well structured lifestyle as the Q1 on the Gold Coast, Australia.

Does man live as he thinks, or think how he lives?

If I had known that life was all about working like a beast I would have gone to the countryside to live off a cow, today I would have hundreds of them and a trademark of producing very sophisticated and delicious cheeses.... is that the brain doesn't stop Galen, there will always be desires and dreams to realise, it's not about wanting more, it's about needing time to put into practice the other things that make us happy.

You can also just invest in the Australian stock market and live off it, that would be great.

Do it @galenkp, be happy, in the end you are from your perspective absolutely right, I just ramble, and remember I am locked in a village.