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RE: Work for it

in Reflections2 months ago

I have gone through all kinds of stages between my work life and personal projects, in all of them I put my best effort, and I still do, also in some I got tired and settled because they were not worth it, here in my country people abandon very good jobs because there is no retribution.

Of course in those that I put my best effort and the result is palpable and powerful, they transmit me a security, confidence and self-esteem that make me feel proud of myself, and I think, I do not know why, that I think and act faster and more a very strong hormonal feast that creates a strong addiction....

Right now I am immensely involved in a marathon of activities that may be worthwhile, and I do it for me and for my people, in that order because the decision to do it is mine, and if it works out it will be an excellent way to save my professional work and to make people learn to work without lies and imaginary plans, something very common around here.

All jobs have limitations and obstacles but in my country there is a false "productive chain" and a centralization of capital that only hinder the development of any company with potential, whether state or private.

But as long as I am in one of them and there are small options I will try as long as there are possibilities to improve the business economy and its workers, otherwise nothing will be worth it.


Work and working towards things that matter doesn't alwyrelate to one's job and I think we have to (should) work towards things that matter in all aspects of our lives; I mean things like relationships, self-improvement, understanding of ourselves and others, improving on hobbies and interests and on creating our ideal lives and more...all deserve the effort.