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RE: Personal Hive Reflection

in Reflections8 months ago

Hive is one of places to get some reality checks. What I get from social media, the facebook platform anyway, is friends and family having a great time out there but when you meet them in person, they'd complain about the 1st world problems they have whiel I'm stuck in the 3rd world. Not that I envy them or have any interest in their lives but it's a humbling experience when someone else comments how I have it better and you look into their circumstances and say, yeah I have it better.

The image below:

If I can get to see this type of scenery daily, I'd be happier than where I'm living at right now. Urban area and several kilometers away from nature.


Yeah I’m able to access those places daily, with a drive in the car but not a very long one and I know how lucky I am to be able to go there!

I hear you on the family thing with Fakebook, it’s weird how some people operate but I think part of it is that they take for granted where they are and the comfortability of their lives, without truly appreciating that others have it much worse elsewhere. I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt but some people sadly just suck lol

Appreciate you stopping by!

Family and fakebook do be like that. I just log in there because some folks still use the place as a means of connecting. Have a good day!