I wouldn't mind finding a $100 bill on the sidewalk. In the grand scheme of things, something like that wouldn't be life-changing though. Something like building a business is different. If requires a lot of effort, discipline and sometimes frustration. Day after day, week after week. In 10 years a business owner might look back in awe at what's become of something that used to be nothing. I certainly feel that way. I feel amazed, and also deeply satisfied when I'm finally able to take a well deserved vacation. Vacation beer tastes so much better when you know you've earned it.
Yeah, one can't really work hard towards making a chance thing like finding a $100 on the sidewalk happen though. It's good when things come easy by chance but I've always going the really important things take effort although some people these days are more inclined to apply the feeling of entitlement.
Like your vacation comment, knowing it's there, working hard for it and leading up to it will make it feel even better so we're on the same page there.