I did return it with zero scratches, but there is a good chance the engine wasn't ready to work that hard. There were only 5000 miles on the odometer when I got it. I returned it with close to 6500. On top of that engines often need a certain number of miles to break them in before you run them full speed. If the magic number is higher than 6000, the Kona might be in trouble.
Today most come with the engine so setup that you can drive like normal, after the first 1000 miles, so no worry.
Nice to see that you had fun and a long trip.
You have such big roads, and really don't understand why semis must be in the middle or fastlane. And yes, people tend to be stupid when they take over these beasts.
I found driving in the USA a bit more chaotic than in Europe. The safest I feel in Germany, where at least half of them are decent drivers, going with 150 miles/hour on the highway, and having less accidents per capita, than in most parts of the world. One thing, in Germany people don't take over on single lane roads.
Both systems, Android Auto and Apple Car Play are now even better than the original car navigation.
Thanks for the info. I wondered if that might be the case. I knew it was something I had heard when I was younger about engines and I had a feeling it might not apply the same way today.
You know, I have heard that about Germany. They actually say that the autobahn is safer than our roads. The reason I heard was that our roads are so big that people get bored and they don't pay attention like they should.
I guess I would be paying a lot of attention if I was going 150 MPH too.