Little Smallsteps lives in her unique childish world that has nothing to do with the adult world. These are beautiful moments that will never return as a teenager.
There is a powerful world to discover inside everyone, perhaps filling Johari's window could help.
Gathering firewood here in Canada in preparation for the onset of winter is in itself a social activity. Sometimes in the evening, we gather around a campfire and a few bags of marshmallows.
The aspects you mention, I conclude, are their cultural outlook. How big the world is, full of diversity of thought… Everyone in their own space, and among them those who live literally in a box. Everyone with their own life… Blessings.
Definitely won't. I don't remember doing this much myself - I had other things to worry about.
Do you use the splitter machines there?
The annual Logger Sports competition brings together hundreds of participants and thousands of spectators, specifically in the Canadian town of Kaslo, British Columbia. But this activity is widely practised in the territory, and the French colonies have gradually joined in.
Logging enthusiasts from Canada, the United States and New Zealand compete in multiple disciplines, including log rolling, trampoline cutting, open tree climbing and pole vaulting.
This spectacular competition has been traditionally organised by Kaslo lumberjack families for over 100 years.
The proceeds of the competition (firewood) are used by the different families to fill up their storage tanks in anticipation of the harsh winter. Axes, power saws and electric saws are used in the competition. The same families take part in the competition. Last year a new discipline was introduced with the participation of sculptors who gave free rein to their imagination.