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RE: Proof of Lack of Work

in Reflections9 months ago

‘Da Vinci’, like many greats of the past, would have no life in these modern times, for what they had plenty of in their time was ‘time’. I have always said and I still say: ‘NECESSITY OBLIGATES’, the roles of companies are based on this phrase.

Comparing the population and its needs, from the 16th century to the 21st century; first, it could be said that we have tripled the number of individuals, second, technological development brought with it new challenges and third, the evolution of man has been towards conformism ‘the ease with which technology provides comfort’.

Today, the active population, ‘those who work’, do so purely out of necessity, whether it is to support themselves, their families or to maintain their luxuries. Basically, they do not feel the need to do things ‘well done’, that is to say, an artefact of 100 years ago was made to last; today that same artefact is made with a ‘programmed’ expiry date. This is the way companies can stay afloat...


I am not sure if all people only work for those reasons. I think many also get satisfaction out of what they do, they get meaning. In a world that seems starved for meaning, I think more people should be looking to what kind of work they can do for it.