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RE: Challenging the Unfaced

in Reflections7 months ago

On social media, you get everything from positive to negative material. You can circumvent the algorithm that tells you what you can consume, I mean, for me, the problem is that most people are driven by what the algorithm shows them, not by what they are really looking for, what they really need.

I've had to deactivate several browser extensions and delete histories because anywhere I hover my mouse pointer, it automatically registers as content ‘of interest to me’. Since I customised the browsers and disabled all logging in Windows 11, I've done better, I'm no longer bombarded by the algorithm like a week ago...


The problem is, that on most social media, people aren't looking at all, they are feeding. There is a reason it is called a feed, right? :)

I don't have too much problems with the algorithms, because I don't consume that much :)