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RE: Haircut

in Reflections11 months ago

When I don’t understand, I opt for taking a step back, accepting things (or emotions) the way they are, just watching and wondering, like a child.
My little Self always wants control, because it doesn’t feel safe. But there’s the greater part of me, that trusts and loves and knows that everything is basically good.
The world is magical through the lens of just sitting back and watching without judgement. Takes some practice though, I know that ^^
But I’m happier this way, and it’s easier to find solutions when I’m not too entangled in the the problem anymore.


Totally agreeing with you that it does take quite a lot of practice to process and accept things the way they are😄 to try and cope i do let myself feel whatever it is that i feel and process the feelings slowly, and not to force myself to take an action to try to solve it (which i usually do since i'm a very solution- oriented person, INTJ and all) because i realized that sometimes i just need to feel it and sooner or later, it will be okay. thank you for sharing Ana❤️