Yes, and it's also difficult to know how good those are without checking in reality... a bit the reason why I would even prefer an old one still working after years of usage !
I totally agree.
but, at the same time, I love to see that in some places you can still buy them brand new.
and in this case, considering what they are, I doubt you could go very wrong ; )
Yes, that was one of my approaches in this article.
It's cool to see that in some parts of the world, they are still being built... but it's worrying to see that in the West, there is not a single supplier that seems to be interested! Maybe a business model to dig into haha ^^
a brand new manual one costs 4,500 Rupies (50€).
shame the customs would cost probably as much.
Yes, and it's also difficult to know how good those are without checking in reality... a bit the reason why I would even prefer an old one still working after years of usage !
I totally agree.
but, at the same time, I love to see that in some places you can still buy them brand new.
and in this case, considering what they are, I doubt you could go very wrong ; )
Yes, that was one of my approaches in this article.
It's cool to see that in some parts of the world, they are still being built... but it's worrying to see that in the West, there is not a single supplier that seems to be interested! Maybe a business model to dig into haha ^^
An opportunity without a doubt. I was thinking just that !
with the shifting mentality come opportunities. many. in every aspect of life.
Yes, there's probably something to do !
I'm seeing my brother soon and he's even more passionate than I am about old tools, so I'll probably do an article on the ones he uses.
My older brother is a Blacksmith. his workshop is all antique machinery that was literally sold as scrap metal or just thrown out.