There are definitely people who only behave in a civilized manner under duress and not out of conviction. It is unfortunate, but as it is always said, education comes from home, and nowadays there is less and less awareness about the care of the environment, about culture, and about simple manners. Now it is astonishing when someone says good morning or good afternoon, rudeness and immorality have become normalized. Imagine visiting a country as beautiful as Switzerland and you are spitting in the streets? Disgusting. There are minimum standards of hygiene and education that if you do not follow them by the good ones, then learn them the hard way. I 100% support this type of fines.
Switzerland is kind of an isolated country. They have strict visa requirements, don't have migration problems, like most of EU countries and this is why they are in a better place on so many levels. So many people are dreaming of living in a civilized country, yet when they have the chance, they act like criminals, cutting corners, breaking rules. This needs to stop and can't blame Switzerland for applying the law and being strict with everyone.
I would jail these people, honestly. Place them under arrest for a week or two, put them to sweep streets and mop the floor to see what it means, then they learn.