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RE: Life's ladder

in Reflectionslast year

You looked very happy, without even suspecting what would become of your life, on that ladder that would soon form more and more rungs in different directions, many unsuspected.

If you don't want to answer, don't, but... why racial slurs?

Human beings can be very hurtful, but those children learned from their parents, the parents are responsible. Children learn from example and they have seen that.

I went through something similar in high school, a lot of envy and criticism for not liking to go dancing, or being more of a loner, or studying too much... they hurt me, but I came out stronger.

And what happened to you made you a very strong man and able to overcome life's obstacles. Those facts were there for a reason. Cause and effect.

Those stairs... sometimes twisted stairs we have to climb, but we come out of each step better, don't we?

The family roots you had made you able to cope as a child and then, life circumstances shaped you.

Keep climbing the ladder of life Galen!


I was a happy kid generally. School messed me up and some other spin-off things around that, but I still managed to grow up into something...something umm...well, just me I guess. I think I became who I am because of those things and others and I'd not change it.

Human beings are disgusting creatures generally, with a few exceptions, or at least humans have the propensity to be that way...the weak among us give in to that and become their base self. I've dealt with a few such people and handed them their comeuppance.

I wouldn't go back to school.... a lot of people say: what happy school days, how could I go back to that time and I say nooooo, no way!

Yes, human beings are cruel, most of them, although I have found good people along the way and I am grateful for that... the others, let them get what they gave, because life is a two-way street.

I'm glad you gave some of them what they deserved!