I value my time very much, I try to use it as well as possible and to optimise every minute of it.
I often have a lot of things to do, so I first plan it in my head so that I can do everything. Sometimes unforeseen events come up and I rearrange those time slots in my head.
For me, as you mentioned, it is fundamental to be in the present time and enjoy what you are doing at every moment, for example, the time I spend playing with my cats or when I walk Tony is valuable time for me and I enjoy it.
My method... my head, I optimise the spaces of time in it before when the day is complicated with many tasks and many times I even have a notebook where I write down the things to do in order... is my method very strict and organised?
This organisation allows me to have family time, walks and relaxation spaces.
Time.... is one of my favourite subjects from many aspects.
Thanks Galen!
I thought you'd be an organised person and you've shown yourself as such. I think there's more to gain from being that way than to lose...really nothing to lose at all I guess. A to do notebook us a good idea; I do lists sometimes depending on the situation.
Anyway, time for bed here. Catch you later.
That's how lists are in my head but if that's not enough a notebook is a good way to organise.
Good night, have a good rest!
Head lists...I like that, although written lists are my go-to. That's the whole point of lists.
Yes, besides, this way we don't forget any of them, just in case...