As I read you and remembered things I learned....
I would tell you that even when we do good without being seen it is more important than when we are seen.
When they see us, they focus on us or the do-gooder, thus getting compliments and good things to say.
On the other hand, when we are not seen, the focus is on the action and the recipient, which I think is more important.
Doing good or bad is an energy and the universe will always know where it came from, no matter if someone else saw it or not.
True generosity is the one that is done in silence, almost... hidden, the action matters, the good gesture.
I don't usually say anything about my actions, the universe knows, that's enough for me. It is so important for me to do it that way, when nobody sees me, to be myself, to be genuine.
Great topic Galen, thank you!
I don't have a problem in things coming up in conversation where a person says, I did this or I did that. But when used as a platform, like the person I mentioned in this post did, a justification of their worthiness or's something I find repellant.
Promoting a cause one is involved in (done the right way) can be productive promoting oneself and what one has done instead of the cause itself is selfish, egotistical and repellant.
That's the thing, the right way to do it, because it might attract more people to help, but where there is no egoism and not for the sake of doing it to be looked at.... a lot of ego.