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RE: Staring into the Void

in Reflections11 months ago

Don't feel guilty about not picking up stuff, or cleaning those nose marks off that glass. I still haven't cleaned our front door or rear door for that matter. I can't bring myself to do it. There's also a mark on the door leading to the garage area, that has some marks on it where she used to lightly scratch hoping we were on the other side of it. I haven't cleaned that either. I still have a couple of blankets and beds lying around. Not ready yet. i'm sure your time will slowly remove one thing and clean up another. But in my mind there's no timeline when it comes to that. And if anybody comes over our house and says something they can mind their business.

The loss of a pet is similar to the loss of a child. I know when my wife had a miscarriage it was similar but different. The loss of grandparents is similar but different. The loss of those close to us but yet again different. The loss of Our dogs, all three of them, has been the worst heartache of our lives. Nothing has compared to it. Similar but just not the same type of hurt.

I wish you guys a speedy recovery from this loss. No need to rush it, but it has gotten easier for us overtime. I find the worst is when I sit and I start to think about things. I find it better just to write about it and get it out of my mind. I see some post that follow this one you were doing the same. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys and I hope you get to smile again one day, when you think of her. We will be thinking of you guys.


Thank you so much. Yes, the worst times are when I sit and think about her or when someone offers their condolences. I've had to walk away from a couple people over the last few days. I've also had to take a breath before I replied to some of the thoughtful comments I have gotten from people here. I'm going to write about it tomorrow, but we have her ashes now and for me it helps a little just having her close again.

I am happy that receiving her back has given you a little closure. I remember picking up the ashes.. I was balling my eyes out the whole way home.