
in Reflections2 months ago

One of the most important daily activities for me is the act of paying attention to everything that exists around me; it's a gift I present to myself, only brief moments really, but it's a deeply reflective time of contemplation in which I feel a sense of awe and inspiration from things that surround me.

Rebecca MacKenna (6).jpg

I took this image

This is an outside thing usually, a nature thing, which I incorporate with some stretching and deep breathing. It's a few minutes to see and feel the miracles around me like the plants, skies overhead, fresh air, the creatures and my inner self; I allow myself to open up and draw in the world around me util it fills me up and then push gratitude back out into the world around me. This helps me focus and fills my life with joy, happiness and a sense of peace; it's a lovely way to start or end my day.

The world seems so preoccupied with a million things that capture people's attention and interest, but I wonder how many of those things are truly important or even valid, how many make people feel fulfilled, connected and centred. I'm sure they get in the way and keep people focused elsewhere and away from what's truly important.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗


In the big city where I live, honestly, sometimes I try not to see everything that surrounds me. Because then I would see crowds, uncultured people, garbage...
But that's why, when I'm in nature, when there are meadows and trees around me, when I feel the freshness of the morning dew and the smell of grass in my nostrils, while in my ears I hear the sounds of birds in their coats and the rustle of leaves on the branches, then I try to absorb every moment.
I have several trees, birches and walnuts in my garden at the cottage. Sometimes I sit in a chair on the terrace, while I have a cup of coffee or tea in my hand, turn off the radio or TV, leave my mobile phone on the charger, sit in the chair and, reclining, watch the wind move the leaves and enjoy every moment.

Once my mother asked me if I was normal, because I was not doing anything.

"I'm enjoying mother, I'm enjoying...".

And it seems to me that you also enjoy these daily activities 🙂

I think you're someone who knows exactly what I'm talking about in this post and finds value in doing the same thing; I think that's attractive in a person, the ability to be still and to find moments where others do not, the small things that seep inside and touch a person. That shines through in a person and it's a lovely thing to find in others, and oneself.

Becca 🌷

I totally agree with you and I do something similar every day, connecting with those things that really matter, the simple ones. How beautiful how you expressed it.

I love the song, I know it and the lyrics are great! Thanks Becca💗

Such a nice song, yes?

Becca 🌷

It is very beautiful!💗