I opened my computer just now for the first time in days. I've had so many things going on around me demanding my undivided attention I've had to make judgement calls on what got my focus and what did not.
I've had one main focus lately and he's never too much trouble because I love him so deeply and he's such an important part of my life. For him many other things have dropped off my radar as unimportant. Things are beginning to level out at the moment though and none to soon because I need a break and all of those unimportant things are beginning to rise in importance once again.
We have had some difficulties lately, life can be like that sometimes I suppose, and while we've worked together towards the same goal it's been a struggle and our lives haven't seemed as bright as usual.
But, as difficult as it has been it's in times of trouble, when life's light dims, that we need to work a little harder, find clarity, hidden reserves of energy physical or emotional and additional focus so that we can find the light that's always just up ahead. It's that focus that helps move us closer to the light and the life we most desire.
It is easy to allow adversity to close in on us and block the light from getting in and in those moments it can seem so difficult to turn that around however with some focus upon those things that bring light to our lives we can find the light and push back the shadows.
Focusing on certain things, we can find clarity and that light you are talking about. Life is not always easy, sometimes it overwhelms, but we can get out of it and there will always be someone to embrace us.
A big hug Becca.❤️
Without focus we can't move things forward as well so it is worth applying the right elements to ensure a better life.
Becca 🌷
This is vitally important. A big hug!
The tightrope is always there and the ball of yarn that the devil picks up and will never return (that's why, as Bjork says, love must be made new every time)... and there are also our decisions to stay in the light.
I've been thinking about what you wrote, while listening to the song. Keep focus and live one step at a time. That's what I try to do. We all want to run towards what fills us with pleasure and happiness, but there is a path that must be taken. And I believe that's why arriving at that paradise is worth it.
Hugs Becca.
It's been very difficult for both of us because of his health issues. He is stoic and puts on a brave face and also doesn't like to worry me and that's all very difficult for him. For me, I feel so sad I can't really do much for him but be there and understand/remember how strong a person he is. We work hard at these, and other, things and move it all forward as best we can.
Becca 🌷
I'm sorry that you've been having problems and difficulties, but I am happy that you are still able to focus and prioritize on things. Life tends to constantly throw a lot of things at us, and it can feel unending, and will slowly drag us down. By focusing on the bigger weights, we can alleviate a lot of difficulties.
Health issues can make things difficult and stressful but together we are working through it and he's much better now than he was so we're moving in the right direction.
Becca 🌷
That's good to hear. I hope his recovery continues.
More strength to you. Remember there is always sunshine after a storm.
Be strong and stay happy.
Good luck friend @becca-mac
Yes, and no storm lasts for ever.
Becca 🌷
I'm sorry for the difficult moment we've had, unfortunately they arrive and we can't do anything but face them...Believe me, I understand you very well.
However, you must never abandon yourself to the darkness, it is important to let the light in and let it flood, then things will get better.
I am always close to you, a big hug!
It's important to always try to see the light ahead, the better times, so that we have something to aim at.
Becca 🌷
I completely agree! :-)
"They" say that relationships are like the ocean, sometimes the tide is in and sometimes the tide is out. It just never happens that things stay even all the time.
Like you say, getting through those tides out times just takes a bit more effort,
It's always worth it in the end.
Oh no, this isn't about our relationship. my partner has had some health issues we have had to focus on. As far as the tide of our relationship, there's no problems there at all.
Becca 🌷
LOL... funny how people can take words how they are not meant to be.
HOpe you partner's health issue are resolved soon and completely.
Misinterpretations happen I suppose and I wasn't very open and clear about the situation either.
I hope you have a nice weekend.
Becca 🌷
Focusing is always important in life which goes a long way to give us that concentrate to achieve our main aim, and remember as you just said that is necessary to work hard, which have to be our top priority man, thanks for sharing this across
Focusing is important, you're right.
Becca 🌷