Our bag of tricks

in Reflections4 months ago

The title suggests there's something magical in the bag or that I'd be able to reach in and pull a live dove or maybe a rabbit out of it but, as interesting as that would be, there's no tricks in there at all, not a single one, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hold mysteries though. Well...no not really, there's no mysteries and no magical white doves, it's just a bag that holds various things a girl needs when away from home.

When I use this bag I have to think about what I want to take as space is of a premium. Lipstick or lip gloss, a nail file, brush, small mirror, tissues, phone, hand sanitizer, mints, my card and some cash. It's all about the essentials, the important things, and not much else.

Becca McSmithson.jpg

I've found that, as time passes, I tend to need less and less, that I simplify, downsize and unclutter, in every aspect of my life.

My man and I share that same mindset, less is more so to speak, and we find we're just as happy, probably happier, to be that way than to have the need to amass piles of things that don't really make us any happier at all.

I think it's something that comes from a degree of contentment and from a place of comfort with our lives; we are comfortable with who we are as individuals, in our relationship together and with our position in the world we occupy, I mean our immediate world in which we live and operate in; we are covetous of it, protective, and are careful to feel deep gratitude for it also. Experiences mean so much more to us than material items and having a happy and meaningful life seems so much more rewarding than a life full of things.

I like my bag of tricks; I should probably say our bag of tricks I suppose because it's one of our mutual creation.

Having said that about tricks though, there's not many tricks involved at all, it's all about mindset and attitude and they both revolve around finding a meaningful life, a life that is meaningful to our individual selves and us as a couple, and a feeling of contentment and happiness, and we seem to be quite good at doing exactly that which is something I'm so grateful for.

I took this image

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗


Listening to the music while reading to you was very pleasant. With time one realises what is really important in life and what symbolically should be in that bag, not the material things but the things that fill the soul. I agree Becca. A big hug. And have a great weekend.💗

It's a nice song isn't it?

With time one realises what is really important in life and what symbolically should be in that bag, not the material things but the things that fill the soul.

Yes, that was exactly what my post was about.

Becca 🌷

Hugs, have a good weekend!💗

That is so smart way to convey a strong message. The more we carry the more it get difficult. Lessor is alwsys good....🙂...but the headline just made me to ask here i heard people saying never to look at girls bag / purse. What made it to say so.?

Thank you, I try to be creative when I write so am glad the message came through.

I'm not sure why it's said that a girls handbag is off limits but it probably has something to do with privacy and the fact there may be personal feminine products in there that are no one's business but her own.

Thanks for commenting, I really appreciate it.

Becca 🌷

Ohh...that might be true...although never tried looking into, but just curious.. thanks 🙂

My @pooky-jax has one of those mystical magical carry all bags.

It is some kind of voodoo or mind trick the way ya'll fit so much into such a small satchel. Everything but the kitchen sink she keeps in there. untitled.gif

It's incredible what one can fit in there.

Becca 🌷