Washed away

in Reflectionslast month

I've loved the ocean from a young age and am fortunate to have lived very close to it for my entire life.

It's probably clichéd to say I have an affinity to it but that's how I feel and when there I'm happier, less stressed, calmer, have better clarity of thought and anything I have troubling me seems a little more distant; I need that sometimes.

I've such fond memories of trips to the seaside with my parents, memories I cherish considering my father passed away so early in my childhood, and as I've gotten older I've created more memories on beaches around the world with my man who tends always to make anywhere I go a whole lot better then without him there. I've not found one that didn't have a positive effect on me yet and doubt I will.

Becca MacGavin.JPG

I took this image

I went to the beach for a walk yesterday as much for physical activity as for my emotional wellbeing; I needed the sea breeze in my hair, the salty air filling my lungs and the way being there simply washes away my cares and worries like the tide washes upon the shore.

My guy wasn't with me, he's doing something else away from home currently and wasn't able to be there, but we'd spoken earlier and I'd told him I was going for a walk. After the be careful and keep an eye out around you safety briefing I knew he'd give me we chatted about some other things and I was grateful for it; he's a complex man but has a way of bringing clarity to my mind, of helping me see differently and in ways I may not have considered, and that, together with the walk I was going to take, was what I needed.

I'm not sure why the ocean makes things seem better and my mind a little less jumbled but it does and I'm so glad to have it close by. My walk was lovely and I returned home without the little frown I'd left home two hours earlier with, my cares washed away, for a time at least.

- This is what I'm listening to -

Becca 💗


The sound of the sea has an erasing effect. In you it made the frown disappear... I like the part of Miley Cyrus' song when she says she never thought that three years later she would be writing that song. It's hopeful and joyful.

Greetings Becca ;)

I think it's a nice song. I know so many people don't like Miley Cyrus and she's done a lot to deserve that, but this sone always makes me feel hopeful just like you said, happy too.

I hope you're doing well, I know you've had some troubles.

Becca 🌷

🤗 Facing things with courage! I am doing well. Thank you Becca.

So happy you were able to get that time by the ocean. It sounds like you really needed it if I am reading between the lines. The ocean is the great equalizer and can humble even the strongest of men. It is also can birng a great peace with the smell of the salt air, sound of waves crashing and the cool ocean breeze. I do hope you are able to enjoy many more walks on along the ocean and hopefully your man can be with you next time.

We're going through some difficult times with my mother currently, the fortnightly chemotherapy is taking a toll on her and therefore on us also; we're constantly stressed and under pressure and there's little respite. Of course, it's nothing compared to what my mom is going through but it is a lot of weight with all the other things life puts in the way. So yes, a little break was needed.

Thanks for your message, I hope you're ok.

Becca 🌷

So sorry to hear about your mother. I will keep her in my thoughts and fingers crossed for her speedy remission and healing. Wishing you and your guy some relief from all the stress her illness and life troubles in general.

I am actually doing better and tomorrow will be one month without a syncope episode. Thank you for caring and asking, it is very sweet.

Thank you Joe, I appreciate that.

It's nice to hear you're doing well and you've not had an episode for so long, that's something to feel happy about and I hope it continues.

Water in general is revitalising and energy-giving and even more so if it is sea water, with great properties, as well as being very relaxing.

It's exactly the same for me, the sea gives me a lot of mental clarity and energises me, it's amazing.

I'm glad that this walk has helped you a lot. Hugs Becca.💗

It was a nice walk, a nice beach, a nice day and a nice feeling afterwards. That's a lot of nice.

Becca 🌷

Here's to more moments like that.💗

The sea from the shore dissipates each of the wrinkles on my forehead, and the small waves of my thoughts too....
You are very lucky to have this haven of calm near your home, it is a great encouragement, because it helps to recover certain peace.
There are times when we just need to be sinking our feet in the cold sand while the white foam moistens the soul.

Cheer up


Living near to the ocean makes me very happy because I find such peace and comfort there and I go as much as I can.

Thanks for your comment and please accept my apology for my late reply, I have had much to do and not enough time in the day.

Becca 🌷

Don't worry, I understand that your time is quite limited and the reasons are quite strong.

I wish you a lighter week of feet and soul, with all my heart.
