Oh boy, what a topic to begin with! Aunt Antonida would be proud of you, going all-in right away... In order to keep it short - this is from my experience among US-Expats:
US media is divided into extremes, even those who actually want to find a truth instead of a narrative have difficulties doing so. Most don't even try, but stay cozy on their side of the extreme, thinking that their view is the "rational middle ground". They're caught in their algorithms.
It's not that different in Germany. The US and their current administration are vilified, without any desire to even try to understand. It's easier to stay superficial.
I hope Trump is playing his beloved game of "deal making". I hope.
I think the world is moving this way in general. The algorithms for ad revenue drive for this kind of situation, because tension gets engagement, and rage gets publicity.
I agree. The average European (who is generally pretty well read) is becoming less of a thinker, and more of a repeater. Many of my friends think they are unaffected by the algorithms, but definitely are. I am too I guess, but perhaps in a different way, due to the width of my sources, and the diversity of my social groups. The algorithm tells me, there isn't much hope for the mid-term future.