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RE: The Currency of the Future

in Reflections2 months ago

I think it's more noticeable now because of social media. You have more information, ideas and alternatives then watching the news at night or listing to the radio back in the day for your presidential updates. You are also finding out that many of the things you have been told were false, made up or they where hidden and you start to see the wild horrors your government and others do.

I also think however is people need to start taking responsibility for themselves and stop relying on government for things like health care, getting out of debt, food and yada yada. If people worked more within their communities and built and supported their communities we would all be far better off and at least some powers would be restored to the people instead of pushed into government.

What I do love the internet for is easy access to information that's helpful. Things like how to start growing your own garden, a bit of weather planning, wood working on youtube videos, how to fix things. All of those things are crazy powerful and so helpful and if more people focused their time on those things you'd be surprised with how much power you have in yourself without raising any type of aggressive behavior like revolution, civil war etc.


Yeah, that's pretty much what I use the Internet for as well. I'm not sure I even trust the people who are supposedly exposing lies. They are just as likely to be lying themselves. Everyone has an agenda and the only person it benefits is usually themselves.