Great article, thanks! You amaze me day after day, your articles are very well constructed, pleasant to read and the subject is very well treated ;) The first step to get out of the state we are in is to become aware of our own mechanisms and your article has just reminded me that there is a situation (aggression) that I have put aside and that I need to go and visit with a desensitization method that I just learned with cognitive and behavioral therapies. Thank you my friend from Hive! Hugs to your furry friend :)
Thank you for the compliment. I do my best to make them readable as I do have some cognitive challenges occasionally. I am finding this journey of reflection, research, thoughtfulness, and then sharing on the blog to be very therapeutic and helpful. I am actually going out again tonight for dinner with the wife to eat with a group a veterans. So I think it is working and I am digging myself out of this hole step by step.
Wow what a step ! I'm glad to see that all this help you in this way. Who can think that blogging can be a real therapy ? It is for sûre ! I wish you to spend a great moment outside.