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RE: Fucked or not

in Reflections4 months ago

Politics definitely feel much different from when I was younger. I also think that the weather in general isn't the same, but naysayers would tell you it is all cyclical and we are crazy for thinking that. Things are definitely devolving I would say. Next week my wife and I get to go pick up Thanksgiving baskets for needy families in our district. A church donates them every year and we go pick them up, so that is a positive thing.


It's nice to hear there's still some charitable outfits doing good work...most of the time charitable outfits are all about the collection of funds for self-use.

Yes, they have gotten bad all over the world these days. The percentage of funds they keep as their cut is ridiculous.

It's quite disgusting really and it's one of the reasons so many people don't fund charities these days. I do volunteer work, with military veterans the focus, (I and a few others run an initiative I've written about before) and feel that volunteer work is a good way to directly impact those who need assistance.

My wife and I try to keep things local as much as possible. We have given to some of the larger charities in the past, but then we see the need around us and we wonder why we are sending our money so far away. I agree with you, volunteering is a great way to help out!