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RE: Bad Coffee and Ring Health

in Reflections2 months ago

I've been wearing a fitbit tracker for a while now and I don't really know if it does much good in terms of tracking. My wife has one too and she always blows me out of the water when it comes to steps. I've actually gotten to the point that I wear it, but I don't really pay attention to the data. I'd probably be better off just wearing a watch! If I had the time, I think I could really get into tea drinking and having multiple cups per day. Right now though, I don't.


I reckon it is worth having some kind of tracker these days. It is too easy to live life untracked, and then sit in front of the TV for hours :)

If I had the time, I think I could really get into tea drinking and having multiple cups per day. Right now though, I don't.

I don't know hoe my wife has time for work. 30% of our electricity bill must be the kettle.

Haha, that is funny. My wife isn't much of a tea fan and neither of us are coffee drinkers, so we don't even have a kettle. I used to have one, but we mostly just use the microwave now.