Oh my word, I am totally an introvert.
And, introverts aren't automatically good listeners just because they are quiet either. In my experience at least, many introverts are not curious enough in anything outside of their world in order to be interested enough in other people to listen. If it isn't in their interest area, they tune it out and perhaps do like @steemflow with the "yes and no" answers.
This paragraph really spoke to me the most because it is totally me. It's not that I want to be that way either, I just struggle to actually care a lot of the time. That sounds so callous to write, but it's just the truth. I think the other side to that is introverts struggle so much to actually communicate in those situations that they are sometimes thinking about their next move to do the whole socializing thing right that they totally miss what was said.
Maybe a 50/50 split of the two things. I think it helps that my wife is a bit more outgoing than I am. It helps balance things out and she encourages me to leave my comfort zone.
You are not alone in this. I don't think it is intentional, or perhaps it is that the care is in a different way, or at a different time.
I reckon a good relationship is complementary, where each person brings something different to the table. If each were the same, what is the value of the relationship? I think there is value in the "diversity" of personality, thought process, and all the way down to the DNA level. It creates conflicts in some way, but that is a growth area - as long as the difference isn't in core values.
Yes, that is a good way to put it. I am actually a quite caring person, but a lot of the mundane stuff people actually care about seems pointless to me. Yes, that is a good point as well. We definitely butt heads from time to time, but for the most part we compliment each other. Though she probably compliments me more than I compliment her :)