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RE: Waking up to a wasteland

in Reflections3 months ago

I agree with you, there is too much consumerism. People do not buy what they need but what they think is nice, pleasant or simply for the pleasure of buying something and not leave the place empty handed. I think that these people have not really gone through strong economic situations, that is to say, they do not know the need closely and that is why they spend excessively sometimes without restraint; it could be one of the causes, although there are more, but it is a really extensive topic. Good reflection, greetings!


I think a lot of people buy things to show off and that having the latest thing gives them a feeling of validation and relevance that they don't feel from within themselves. It's sad really, that people cannot find contentment because consumerism doesn't bring it either...there's always something new coming out and they seem to always want it in a endless cycle which leaves them endlessly discontent.

Exactly! It's like an addiction, that's the way the world is, my friend. Greetings!