I wish that I had've said yes to one of those friends but after so many years apart, growing so far apart and living in such different worlds, my own self-consciousness/ paranoia got in the way and now I have to live with the guilt as she's no longer here for me to say yes to, so it's not necessarily about giving advice, but being there to listen, to really listen and read between the lines and that is something that I try to do with a friend every day, so good on you for saying yes.
You now have nothing to regret but only hope to give and growth to nurture.
And as a person that is also not one to publish anything about my personal or emotional self online, your post just got more out of me than anyone has because I believe that anyone else reading this, may find a lesson for themselves in my regrets....
That's sad to hear and I hope you manage the guilt you feel and find some kindness for yourself from time to time.
Regret makes a terrible companion, I have them too, but I try to remember that I made decisions based on what I knew at the time and that looking back on them now means I see them differently and with fresh (more wise or knowledgeable) eyes and mind. Not a consolation comment for you, just an observation. But, be kind on yourself a little bit too...and (like I think you have) carry the lesson forward.
Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it. I wanted to share some of the situation here in this post but decided against it out if respect for my friend,but there's still a lesson in the post for those who choose to see it right?
Yes sad for me, but far FAR worse for my friend in the end...
And, you're right, no consolation but you're right, then and now...
I actually think that there are many lessons in your post- aswell as all of the comments too and even if people only take away one, that's better than none.
I understand and am sorry it ended that way.
Yeah me too. Me too..