Negativity Breeds Negativity

in Reflections2 years ago

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to chat a little bit about how important it is to be honest but at the same time not incessantly negative!

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Negativity Breeds Negativity

I had some thoughts the other day, that although I was in quite a challenging situation, I think that my perspective at the time didn't help me, and potentially made it a little bit worse!

With some of the things that have occurred at work lately, which I've certainly posted about a few times, one of the definite things that has occurred for me is the substantial increase in my stress levels that quite frankly hasn't happened to me very much in my professional life.

With that increased amount of stress, comes what one might expect: negativity. I was feeling more negative about myself and my performance at work and it was sadly not because I was doing a bad job per-se but I wasn't exactly doing the job that was asked of me, I was doing a few people's jobs and that led to my main role suffering and me having to unravel the ensuing situation.


One of the things that I recently realized is that in some of those situations where I get incredibly stressed out and frustrated is that I tend to start having some pretty negative thoughts that I'm not good at my job, I'm going to make these things fail, I'm going to get fired and the list goes on. These thoughts are hopefully not true but it's a result of a substantial amount of pressure on me to turn things around and as well not end with a pretty significant financial loss for the company, short or long-term realized.

These are all situations that I quite frankly have never had to encounter before on the professional front and it's challenging to say the least. What I have found some solace in though is what I think my ability to always try and find a solution to the problem is and working towards getting that solution to be implemented in one way or another.

What I'm referring to in this situation here is my unfortunate focus on negative thoughts! When I am thinking that I am doing a shitty job as a project manager and that I'm overwhelmed, trying to always put out fires and fix everyone else's problems I had to take a step back and take in a few deep breaths. It's not perfect but I know that I've got quite a bit of knowledge in my area of professional expertise, which my leaders thankfully understand and appreciate, so that I can certainly work towards correcting the situations that I am in if I can get my head in the right direction.

The other crucial aspect for me is that I have started to engage my colleagues and enlist people that are supposed to be doing the tasks that I was doing, so that things can work as they are supposed to and far more efficiently. We each get paid to do the things that we specifically were hired for and likely specialize in. I was trying to do more than one person's job and that led to quite a few challenges! Thankfully since I started to delegate to others the way a project manager should be doing, things have quite a bit improved on that front. Not perfect yet but certainly improved.

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The process of getting one's head in the right direction though, is one that is quite daunting but is definitely possible. Since I realized that the core problem I was having once the most immediate stresses of things going sideways had subsided, I then understood that my incredibly negative attitude was a self-fulfilling prophecy in that I was never going to be able to fix the situation that I was in professionally if I didn't get my head out of my ass mentally.

Granted I am still in a problematic situation but I am working feverishly and hopefully diligently to get things corrected and put back onto the right path forward so that I can feel better about my job and my position in the company. I don't have immediate fears that it will be eliminated due to poor performance but it's definitely a situation that was derived from some unfortunate mistakes that I made. I think the first step to correcting a problem is certainly recognizing what the problem likely is, so with any luck and definitely a fair amount of persistence, I can get back on the straight and arrow.

This isn't just for me, though it largely is for me, but it is for my customers because I've been in their shoes and can definitely feel for them and the challenging situation that I've put them in. I would like to think this is a strength of mine, being in different shoes and knowing what it's like to be on the other side of something so that we can work towards making it better.

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One of the really great things about Hive and having a blogging space, even if nobody reads nor cares about half or more of the things I say, is that it provides an opportunity for me to mentally think through something like this and digest it in a way so that I can hopefully come out on the other side in a better spot. If you read this, thank you for entertaining my mental vomit! :D

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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Thanks for sharing this @cmplxty ,been expecting your awesome writeup

the main difference between entrepreneurs and everyone else is this When most people encounter an annoying problem, they figure out how to avoid it. When entrepreneurs encounter an annoying problem, they figure out how to break it.

That’s exactly what led me to start a business. I had a really frustrating experience buying homeowners insurance. The process took hours and demanded me to fill out long forms that asked me questions whose answers were openly available. I knew there had to be a better way, given the technology currently available.

I ’m agitated and amped by what we ’re doing at Kin. We're making a big difference in our clients ’ lives. We ’re saving them a lot of time and frustration. But at the same time, I ’ve noticed a trend( particularly in Silicon Valley and particularly among a certain type of founder) of startups that do n’t make sense. They do n’t break a real problem or they produce more problems than they break.

I'm @josedam,Thanks for sharing this, you can follow me so as to admonish each other

That’s great I’m glad that you started your own business! That’s a crucial thing these days, as small businesses are now the world economy is able to sustain itself. We do not need more amazon or Google companies, we need more companies like yours and the one we started ourselves. Those are the ways that financial safety is maintained! We tend to support other small businesses and it’s a great cycle of positivity all around!

I so feel you, my dear friend. Indeed, negativity breeds negativity. I also felt the same way with you when you felt some negative attractions at work, and it even affected your outlook towards it. In my case, it is not only stress but also depression. I think I had shared with you back then that when my sister died, I really felt all the negativities and even felt that I was carrying the world. Not to brag, but I have been an achiever in my workplace, but since my sister died, you know all of my positivities were slowly fading. Until motivation and encouragement came, and I am back to life.

Perhaps I firmly believe that there is what we call the law of attraction. The more we are optimistic about things, the more we could get it in the most perfect time or it makes things a reality. In the other manner, positivity breeds positivity and I wish you more success in everything my dear friend. Have a nice day and take care.

I’m not sure I remember hearing about your sister that’s horrible, sorry to hear that! It’s difficult to lose someone but it’s more difficult when it’s someone close like that.

Indeed there are a lot of things to be said about attractions and making sure that we try to be on the positive side, as that often can lead to more positive situations!

What I'm referring to in this situation here is my unfortunate focus on negative thoughts!

Tell me about it. I'm the master of negative thoughts ( and I don't mean I master them ), although I am getting better at being kinder to myself. Changing towards a less stressful life ( moving to another country and all ), sure made a difference but the monkey mind always keeps coming up with something else to stress out over.

In the last four weeks or so I tried quitting coffee, now I'm kind of micro dosing. I am well aware that coffee also has an influence on my stress levels and much more than that.

One of the really great things about Hive and having a blogging space, even if nobody reads nor cares about half or more of the things I say, is that it provides an opportunity for me to mentally think through something like this and digest it in a way so that I can hopefully come out on the other side in a better spot. If you read this, thank you for entertaining my mental vomit! :D

Hear hear! This place is my therapy. This plus the podcast that I recently started.

Be kind to yourself buddy :<)

I’ll have to check out the podcast! Have you posted it here on hive? I need to go find it lol that’s awesome dude!

Yeah I hear you on the negative thoughts. It’s easy to get caught up in them in life for sure! I don’t usually get into it outside of work as I’ve always been that way but with work it’s tough not to sadly. Hoping to right the ship though and get away from the situations that cause this!

I’ll have to check out the podcast! Have you posted it here on hive? I need to go find it lol that’s awesome dude!

How could I not haha! I guess at least half of my posts of the last 6 weeks or so talk about and/or link to my podcast ;<)

Yeah I hear you on the negative thoughts. It’s easy to get caught up in them in life for sure! I don’t usually get into it outside of work as I’ve always been that way but with work it’s tough not to sadly.

Good for you!
Can't say the same about me. but then again. I work at home since late 2016 and I spent most of my time alone ( too much alone time doesn't help either ). Not that it wasn't the case before I quit my job. I guess I got two decades of experience with this haha! I managed to pretty much heal my depression, all by myself, though in the last couple of years. Changing my life around sure played a major part in this. It's still a daily thing I have to work at it but I'm getting better and better at it :<)

Hoping to right the ship though and get away from the situations that cause this!

You got this! I'm sure you will find a way :<)