On many days, I will drive 20 minutes OUT of my way to avoid a toll. Fuck em! That type of stuff pisses me off. I've been that way most of my life. Some of the tolls I can't avoid which bothers me a little bit but I do make it a point to drive on different roads that don't have the damn things. Some of the areas you can't get to without going through the toll which is incredibly frustrating lol.
There are some pretty nasty differences between how things are run now versus how they were run 20 or 30 years ago. So many things were done because they served the public and were part of taxes and stuff. Now we are filled to the brim with rent-seeking parasites and it's disgusting. We will eventually reach our limit of this parasitic behavior, but I'm not sure when that is..
Haha, I don't blame you for that. I bet you have that setting turned on in maps for it to avoid toll roads. I usually turn that on too. It's sad how even the most mundane things these days have leaned into the corruption.