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RE: Life's ladder

in Reflectionslast year


I found the above meme the other day and find it fitting in a few scenarios such as this. We certainly have challenges in life and the one I can’t understand the most is racism. I give people equal chances no matter who they are but people who are pieces of shit, those I dislike and it doesn’t matter what race they are.

Life is definitely full of challenges, bumps and successes. I don’t know if I would change any of it because it’s made me who I am today, not a perfect person but unique in my own right and striving to make my sons life a better version of mine. Mine wasn’t a terrible life but I think you know what I mean on that front.


I don't know, maybe I was spat on, physically beaten, had my school stuff thrown around, called hateful things and was ostracized completely because people just didn't like me and racism wasn't a factor, but I was five when it started and I think I was a typical five year old so...yeah, racism. All good though, when I look at my life now...well, it's been a pretty fucken legit one so far. I healed, learned stuff and became me thanks to that stuff back when I was a kid.

Like you say, changing it is a fools errand, even if you could it would change who you were and that may not work out so well.