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RE: Nurture

in Reflections8 months ago

It’s good to do these check ins with customers for sure, and the funny thing about it is the people who may be complaining about this individual don’t have high standards or something of the sort. That means they may have done something he disliked because it sounds like he’s got high standards himself and there ended up being some conflict due to the discrepancy. I’ve had customers who others thought were difficult but if you are competent and show them competency they are often amenable. They dislike incompetent people.

Not a bad place to spend some time either, love spending time by the water!


You've hit the nail on the head. I can't go into it as it may give too much potentially identifying information but the situation was bad because someone (who is not at my organisation any longer) was not candid in respect of a situation which meant it was not addressed in a timely manner. It caused a lot of problems. I came along, swept all the bullshit away and called it how I saw it (figured I had little to lose in doing so) and the guy responded well, saw me as a straight shooter and someone who made results happen. That goes a long way right?

It was a great day today, relaxing and yet so productive from a work perspective. Just Friday to go now, most of which will be spend on my computer with a couple meetings in between and then it's a long weekend. Kings birthday long weekend. I don't give a shit about the king but I'll take the Monday off!

Yeah it's remarkable what people will do to sour a relationship and for often times no good reason other than a mistake, not owning it and letting it fester.

Yeah take the holiday, it’s amusing those types of things where people largely don’t care about something in the same extent as before but it’s a day off still so they can’t change it without outrage. Fickle things, these humans!