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RE: Last of 24 Days

in Reflections3 months ago

Sounds like a wonderful family tradition man, truly. I hope that the financial situation improves next year so that you don’t have to end it and can keep it going until she at least gets to double digits in age when things change a bit more.

I think she will be into mice the rest of her lives as a way to remember her childhood and the special memories. We have a friend who is in her 60’s and she has loved little frog figurines and frog things her whole life. She’s got a bunch of them around the house and it’s quirky but a nice thing to have as a way to be unique.

I hear you on the social side. We were hoping that my son going to school now we would make friends but sadly for whatever reason the people around here must be less social than the damn Finn’s. We haven’t made a damn parent friend lol very annoying. That get together sounds like a lot of fun though! I’m sure it will go well enough for most and those that truly can’t hang just won’t need to come to the next one!


At the rate of consumption these days, by the time she hits ten, the expected presents will require licences, warranties, and insurances! :D

She’s got a bunch of them around the house and it’s quirky but a nice thing to have as a way to be unique.

I am hoping that if Smallsteps has kids, she will have a box of memories that they can have as part of their traditions too :)

We haven’t made a damn parent friend lol very annoying.

It does take work. Repetitive work. Most people are very passive in connecting these days. Even our neighbours who have been friends with my wife since childhood, we hardly see. Keep trying!