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RE: Tools of the trade

in Reflections8 months ago

My tools have gotten rusty and working on sharpening and shining them up again. MY physical self will never be what it once was, not even close. However, I can keep it as tuned as possible, more so than I have and working on that more these days. Same with the brain, I have been doing more reading, playing online chess, and watching more educational programming vice junk on the boob tube. Another thing I have done is cutting out negative personalities from my life and seeking out the positive ones again. Not sure if that is what you were looking for, but its 0400 in the morning here and haven't had my first cup of coffee yet.

Glad you had a safe and successful trip.


It's really easy in this world of AI and automation to let the brain relax a little, go idle to some extent, but that's not going to work out so well eventually so keeping it active, like one needs to do with the body as well, is the better way to go. Chess, reading and so on, it doesn't matter really, as long as the old noggin is being put to use.