I couldn't agree more and tried to instill that in my kids. Oldest is obcessively competitive. The youngest? Not so much, he is more go with the flow which scares the f- out of me sometimes.
As for sharing your precious metals stack, I get it. I am more of a coin collector as a hobby than a stacker. Love the history and culture that goes into designing and minting a coin. So I get more of a boner for that type of stuff.
I don't mind coin collecting and people showing different ones but don't see the point in people showcasing things that are the same thing as the last, the ones before that, and those that came before that. I have a friend whose into stamps and coins and has some really amazing ones, highly collectable and costly too...we get together sometimes and go through them which is fun. I'd do a post but it's his collection so won't without his approval. I'll ask next time I'm there.
That would be neat. Hopefully he does.
Yeah I try not to share the same type of coin as a previous post but something different each time I post.
Hope you’re feeling better.
Still crook (sick) but getting better each day. I should be fine by Christmas. Lol.
Shit must be hanging on tight as a tick. Well, just keep taking it easy until you shake it.
There's this thing that lingers going around, people say up to two months. If I catch up with the fucker who gave it to me a smackdown will ensue. Lol.