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RE: Ripped at the Seams

in Reflections2 months ago

When I was younger and was in good shape, I used to use a heart rate monitor when I ran on my own. I would make sure I had different runs I would set at different heart rate ranges. After about 3 months I remember I saw great improvements. I also kept a log of each run on paper after words down to how I felt before and after. Why I don't do things like that know I don't know other than I don't do anything but walk occasionally. I guess what I am getting at is I agree with what you are saying.


Why I don't do things like that know I don't know other than I don't do anything but walk occasionally.

There is a weird human issue that when we find something that is working, we get bored and stop doing it. I reckon it is because we are looking for something new all the time, even if we don't need it. Will you start again? I have been kind of interested in checking out rucking for walking in the future - have you ever tried it?

I carried rucks for far too long in the military. After two back surgeries I have no plans to carry one again if I don't have to. I have a walking pad in the house that I currently walk on. Once it starts warming up I will be outside again walking with a partner.

Ah of course! I wasn't even thinking about that! :D

Once it starts warming up I will be outside again walking with a partner.

I think this is the way to do it. If I can get my feet in order some time, I will walk more and even buy some shoes to do it in the winter. Right now though, it is pretty impossible to do it for any kind of fitness, as I walk so slowly.

Oh man, bad feet is no good for sure. For me walking in the winter is more about my bad lungs and the cold air than anything. I walk real slow too. It is almost a shuffle, but it is movement which I need. Too bad I wasn't in Finland, we could walk togther.