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RE: People not sheeple

in Reflections9 months ago

Hell, things like generations and decades are more an artifact of historians' fetish for organization than anything else. Yeah, for me it was walking the multiple paths that really opened my eyes to what a range of experiences there are out there. I may have went on a tangent, I mostly just meant to ask how much are we just imitating our parents and their parents and how much is the world genuinely worse?

Heh, for a few minutes in 2020 I was almost hopeful that some clever folks might be in for an education. Here it's less 'seem happy to live in an environment...' and more people feel powerless to change it, and they tend to be preoccupied with just getting by. Then again they're not prosecuting much in the way of tax evasion or rape here, just drugs. I know what you mean though, it feels like the wild west around here.

Curious you mention that, came back from a long weekend last Monday and the power was out. Didn't think anything of it for an hour or two, until I remembered I had a quarter of a hog in the basement freezer. Had to find a working freezer to relocate it to temporarily, but I guess until that's about gone I can't say I'd be happy if the power went out. After that though...


Australia follows America so (most of) your issues are ours, although on a smaller scale. There's things unique to you and us but generally it's similar.

There's so many issues and not a lot of solutions (for various reasons) and that's a bit sad I think, that people seem disinclined to ask the tough questions and actually seek resolutions or even a way forward as a minimum.

Anyway, if the power went out there'd be a lot of unhappy people initially and then less because some would cease to be and then even less and then...I think that's when people you and I would come into our own. You know, prepared people.