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RE: Stitched together

Oh Galen I could answer to this post from personal experience as I had a long time away from Hive with moments of short presence and then absence. I did miss the interaction and the cute comments shared everytime when a friend posted. But real life happens and can take us away. Sometimes a detox is good. A question appears in the mind: would my absence make any difference? Would it matter? Could I come back after missing for a while like nothing happened? I do now know.

For example I just opened a book contest. And I thought piles of members will want to participate. But the enthusiasm is moderate. I wonder why. Is my absence a contributing factor or is it because the topic is books?

So I would need a bit of help in spreading the word because the point of a competition is to have enough competitors to try to bring the best out of them for the reward. I want to make this contest a yearly one. I know you are the master of engage the weekend contests, maybe you could share a tip or two, I am at my first serious attempt to organize such a thing because now I feel that I am finally at a moment where I can give back to Hive. Thank you🤗


Life happens for sure and it takes us in different directions, pushes, pulls and sometimes keeps us in the same spot; what matters is that we get the most from it, or try to.

All the best with your book contest, I'm sure it'll get some good traction with a 500HBD prize on offer.

Thank you Galen🤗I am glad to see that people start to share more of the book they have read, I think that it can be powerful to know that one book changed someone's way of thinking at some point.
The prize definetely attracts for sure but I hope on the long term that the participants will share more stories between themselves while being in the process of competing. It all will take time for sure . How have you been?

I've been well, pretty much the same as the last time we communicated, not much changes for me I guess, except I get older.

I remembered a quote from a meme I saw way back, it said : I'm not old, I'm vintage. Oh and I started to feel so much better because vintage sounds so posh

Vintage isn't bad, they say all things come back into fashion but...well, I guess humans just die eventually and that's the end of it.

Death is certain for sure:)))Neither of us are getting out alive from here