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RE: Free To Graze

in Reflections5 months ago

Holy fireballs, Batman. I'm so naive. All I could think while reading that was how did I get on this secret website, there's no way this is available to just anyone.

Only place it happened and it happened at just about every farmers/flea market / restaurant type thing we went to in Hungary—they assume Pura's Russian. Always speak to her in Russian at first.


I take it you didn't go to many gun shows out in Cali? Lol, that's a teenager's toy that'll get somebody shot by the cops one day. Before the interwebs you usually had to go to a gun show to find a copy of TM 31-210 but now it's freely available online and puts that to shame.

I can see that. I took Russian for a couple years at U of L and it seems like anytime I'm traveling I somehow end up running into Russian speakers in the randomest of places.

Gun show in California?! Haha, after those links, someone might actually think you're serious. Sure, in California, first Friday of every month, guns. Right after the Richard Ramirez show and how to tell if it's raining show.

The Richard Ramirez show was before my time, the OJ Simpson show was about when I started tuning in. Well that and the Rodney King special.

That's one of the rare times I listened to my mother, dude. She begged and begged me to stay out of downtown during the King riots, "you can even take my car" cuz I loved driving that car—limited edition Iroc, I was 16 in '92. that car was fun.

I took her up on that offer. I can't count many other times I did that. Good thing I did.

Damn, an IROC? That'd be an offer that's hard to pass up. I was 6 in 92, so I was just asking my parents a bunch of uncomfortable questions. Later on down the road Sublime got me interested in again.

So how much of the city was shit going down then? Seemed like half the city was on fire but in 2020 they carried on like it was that way here and it was only a handful of blocks and not much fire.

A lot, Jethro. Even as I worked my career in the city a couple decades later, you never get over the intersections where it all happened. I snapped a couple screen shots for you. Riots were between South Central (bottom circle/left) all the way north to Sylmar (top circle/left) where they got Rodney King—about 25 mile separation. Then zoomed out on the second image so you can see how much area was danger zone.
