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RE: Reflecting on my recent visit to Jamaica

in Reflections2 years ago

I was a different person then too. One hardens to cope with the environment that one lives in, and that's just how I was

That resonated with me a lot. It's crazy what we allow ourselves to endure until we taste a better life, and then it's impossible to return to the hardship. Maybe not impossible, but really hard.

I am happier living in a country where I can have freedom of mind, to do and go to any place (with care) without constant fear for my life.

We were just talking about what we gained and what we lost since we left, and I have to admit that the only thing we are missing, is the feeling of freedom (but gaining freedom of mind). I guess any of the European and UK countries are a little bit more repressive and became police states, it's the price to pay for safety.

I don't know if you've heard what has been happening in El Salvador for nearly a year. The mafia and gangsters were ruling the country, kidnapping people and asking for ransoms of the family. The newly elected president had enough and rounded up 40k murderers and recently videos were released showing the way these multi-recidivists were treated, it triggered an outcry from the Western press, but the truth is, I can speak on the behalf of friends that told me about the life prior to these drastic changes, life now is livable, and crime is a thing of the past.


It's really sad when you think about the situation in El Salvador, and it's no surprise that human rights people would object. However, desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess. Something seemed to have worked there.
I don't see Jamaica taking any drastic steps, and I think that it's time for the government to really "act" and take control.