in Reflections4 months ago

For some couple of days now I have felt so uneasy with myself and being under the weather, is so bad for me, I don't know how our entire body is so intertwined with each other, such that if anything goes wrong with one or any of the system or organs it goes on to unsettle every other thing in us, wether physically, emotionally, psychologically or mentally.

This is one aspect of me i have not actually paid much attention to, and I feel it's very wrong, how we just live, eat, drink, consume anything without a second thought about it, we are only health conscious when we have any reason to visit the clinic or hospital or diagnose some illness....

For instance i have an Aunty who is a regular consumer of soda, especially Coca~Cola or Pepsi, almost on a daily basis, I get to know this and I have warned her severally about the long term effect of taking this sweetened drink, I almost feel she's addicted to it, no Day passes with her buying one, I talked to her about diabetes which will likely occur as a result of intake of sugary stuffs and she's past 40, so that gives it more probability.

This I also feel is necessary to have that consciousness in us, about our health understand our bodies mechanism, not untill it breaks down before paying attention, I understand the fact that something's aren't in our control, some health issues are hereditary, not our fault per se, therefore having that consciousness to live healthy becomes a necessity.

I haven't been paying attention to my health either, which is wrong, you know the older one get the more priorities begin to shift from a lot of things to self, to stay healthy, to live long and stay sound physically and otherwise in all ramification, most times fantasy and other stuffs taking most of our priorities begin to be adjusted, to give attention to a more pressing need ~Our Health~

i have a friend of mine who was very sick, he was my colleague at the office, very hardworking, diligent as well, despite his state of health was still kin on coming to work, even when I would advise him against it, one time he was in a very severe condition that requires him taking a day off, he refuse, cause he was scared of the director slashing his salary, so he has to work even at the detriment of his own health, which is very wrong, what if some emergency situation happened to him?...

This is why prioritising my health is now becoming paramount to me, I have worked hard for other things , trying to fix a lot of other things in my life but now is the time to focus more on me, my health, being conscious of it, especially what I now consume which is one of the many causes of our health issues, I think taking more of fruits and vegetables is preferable cause of it's natural healthy content, taking some more supplement to boost my immune system, most times these lifestyle is somehow expensive to maintain, but with what little I have I will try as much to live up healthy, hail and hearty.


Good health is important in order to live happily. Get well soon.

Thank you very much dear