in Reflections10 months ago

I think my is next big move in life, since I was a child I have always had thin inclination in my heart of something big, something better, something more out there, I couldn't figure it out or what it was but it was just there, pushing urging me to think way ahead of my league at the time....

So I started jotting down things, dreams, plans, aspiration, goals, monthly, yearly target, and I've always pushed my self to achieve them, save up, just to get that which I have longed for.

Has I grew older I was more positive and careful about my outcome in life, the things I want to become how and what ought to be done to her there, I stayed away from a lot of things, didn't mix up with the kids, literally I was this guy with the mind of an adult, I knew what I wanted in life at a very tender age so I had my vision and purpose for life all cleared, like I knew were I was headed and I was determined to push through focusing on my part and somehow something was propelling me more towards it.

Because of these mindset in me, I was able to achieve so much and get a lot done, with ease, and keep pushing and daring for more.

So what actually prompted my writing was from the stand point of Our Economy, few months down the line since the year began, our economy has been on a consistent nose-diving headlong, so this has so affected the cost of living , cost price of everything on the market, everyday the prices of every thing marketable increases, so it was bad enough for even the common man,.

So I looked at all of these and I thought to myself thete are certain people despite the downturn of the economy, it doesn't affect them reason being that they have been able to build value over time, so they're now above the system, such that the higher the cost of living the higher they earn as well...

Everything in life response to value which is why I'll pursue it at all cost

Here's a thing... When you step out to go buy something, you will pay for it according to the value it posesses, so you pay the monetary value of that item, so if the economy goes down and it affect the value, you will still pay for it cause probably it's a necessity to you

This is exactly what I discover years ago as a teenager, "VALUE", building value, that will place you on demand.

Talking about value, it's deeper than the surface meaning of the word, but just for within the confine of this post I'll narrow it down to... "What you can offer to recieve the monetary value in exchange"....

I see a lot of persons today and I feel pity for them as well as a lot of Young people whiling away time doing nothing meaningful, instead of engaging their times intellectually, skillfully, career wise, there's the internet with millions of ways to earn, but no,... Every thing in life response to value

You will only be VALUED, TREASURED & RELEVANT To The extend of your WORTH, no body want to relate with a no-Body, if you don't have anything of VALUE to offer nobody will want to associate or identify with you.... I had this understand earlier enough in life that's why I'm never satisfied at my current level...