Sometimes in life we have certain things happen where that particular day is marked in the timespan of our life as before and after. It may be a milestone, a happy celebration, a certain achievement, a work advancement and so on and so forth. I'm sure we have all had them and of course the other side of the coin is true too, sometimes we have negative experiences that can mark our lives.
I've recently been working feverishly to try and get some things in the wings so to speak and today I had some progress in the right direction. It made me think back over the last while of what I've been doing and trying to achieve, compared to the time before the last "life marker" and I walked through it in my mind. I was driving at the time but it was actually a very pleasant process and I noticed that I've been a lot calmer of late, a lot happier and even a lot more confident. My days have some joy in them.
Often we get so caught up in the moment of each day that we forget to see how far we've progressed and I think that taking some time out every now and again to assess our lives and take stock is important and adjusting as you go will help you to fine tune and refine what you want from life and how to get there.
Sure, there were things that I also knew I could have done better and I made some mental notes but afterwards I also began to recognize a rather strange sensation. I felt proud. Most of the time when I look backwards, I feel all sorts of other emotions (most of them negative), but not today. It was very odd and I actually felt a bit uncomfortable at first, but soon after I settled into the feeling and let myself feel better.
While I still have a lot ahead of me and many challenges along the way, it was the first time in a long time where I felt genuinely good. I stepped over a threshold today with a paradigm shift. This small step in a different direction will alter my path vastly in the days and months ahead (like a railroad switch is simple but the effect is vast reaching), I know that I'm headed to true north and I've started a chain of events that will change the course of my story. It's scary and intriguing at the same time, but I'm feeling optimistic.
Have you had to change course recently and make some things happen that might make a new life marker for you? Let me know in the comments.
It's nice to read that you felt good, sometimes changing course, changing one's paradigms can be a panacea.
It hasn't happened to me recently that I have to do it but it's something I do recurringly, adjustments, modifications are always necessary; the strength of a plan lies in its flexibility in my view.
A hug!