Living with a Roommate

in Reflections11 months ago

I am of the opinion that everyone should have the experience that comes with living with a roommate at least once in their lifetime.

It teaches you how to relate with people who are not fully related to you.

You might actually believe you're perfect, and you don't need anyone to point out flaws in you. Oh yes, you're perfect, but there is someone out there who needs to help you point out those flaws that you haven't been giving much attention to.

Having a roommate is like having a mirror with which you can see yourself through their eyes.

There are morning you ought to be up and doing already, but instead, you're still all curled up on the bed, it is your roommate who'd remove the blanket from your body, indirectly telling you it is time to get up and about, else you'd be late for your class.

There will be morning where you will wake up very hungry, and you'd be surprised to see that while you were sleeping, your roommate already had something going on on the gas, and all you need to do is wake up and eat.

Oh yes, there might be days you guys will have grudges over who should wash the dirty plates or even pour away the dirty basket. This seemingly insignificant actions help tell more on who you're becoming by the way you react.

There are days where you'd wake up from bed and not feel like talking to anybody, not because you are angry, but because you are not just in the mood. But the fact that you have been well trained to greet anybody who comes your way, you'd have to mumble a "Good Morning"

There are days when you'd love to play your music to the loudest, but then you'd remember that you do not live alone, and your roommate doesn't like noise, so you'd adjust the noise to accommodate them too.

Another great thing about having a roommate is the conversation you share with them.

I have had a long day of talking to my roommate about life in general and each of us telling the other person about our experiences, and after about 6 hours, we couldn't believe we have spent that long a time talking. Yes, those seemingly nonsensical talks bond us together.

Days of seeing that your favourite clothes are dirty, and your roommate has a lookalike, and you don't even have to think before wearing theirs even though, they'd rain "brimstone" when they get back.

Your roommate is like a mirror, since you can't see yourself fully as it is, they are there to help you correct some flaws about you, in love of course.

Do you have a roommate? What is your experience like?

Image my roommate and I


You have been curated manually, keep up the good work!

I have a roommate, two actually.
The experience is rich, the lessons eternal. I have learnt a lot from roommates over the years.
Being on hive for example is because a roommate introduced it to me.

Having a roommate makes survival easy, and makes terrible days more bearable.