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RE: Looking back

in Reflections5 months ago

Hi Galen, this proposed topic was somehow very present in my thoughts a few years ago. I guess, that in any balance about the life we have led is a fundamental issue. And raise it, and reflect on it, is the only way to improve our life looking to the future.

I felt very identified with the relationship with your grandfather. When I was 14 years old, my maternal grandmother, who lived with us, died. Then, I realized how many times I argued with her about stupid things and how much time I wasted on that shit. This is irreparable, but it helped me, from a very young age, to appreciate the presence of my family.

My idea, which is present in all your publications, is the following: we can't change the past, but we build the present ourselves.

A very strong hug


I'm pleased you've seen to the core of the topics and something I write about a lot, the theme of learning from the past and carrying it forward to make a better future.

Have a nice weekend.