
It's sad that humans don't tend to want to do much about this situation, the habit of consuming with impunity is too deeply ingrained I think, generally speaking of course. I wrote this, and my last post called what's the point to purposely follow after the other because I see a lot of people doing a lot of talking but, when no one is looking, they do something different, counter-productive and just plain destructive in respect of the environment. This documentary shows it in living colour where the ocean and commercial fishing practices are concerned.

In truth, I don't see much hope...sure there's a few people out there doing some good, talking about it, recycling...but they're drops in the ocean compared to what's not being done and, of course, the wrongs being done by governments and corporations. Thanks greed and hubris.

Anyway, I'll be dead by 2048 I guess, or so old and decrepit that I'll not care...but I believe there are people alive today that will see a sharp decline and some terrible moments before the end of their lives.

Have a nice day.

I understood what you said in your previous post about whether we are capable of doing good things without anyone looking at us. Arrogance is something I didn't see and you are right, it is about arrogance and greed. Thanks for the response